Learn about Polkadot and Substrate tech to develop innovative dapps

This page will share resources and lists that may be helpful to individuals and organizations trying to create dapps with the Polkadot and Substrate tech stack. For now, here is a small list of the most popular portals, courses and resources to learn about the Polkadot technology:

  1. Polkadot Blockchain Academy (course material book) – The Polkadot Blockchain Academy, founded by Gavin Wood, offers specialized training in blockchain technology using Polkadot and Substrate. It provides two tracks: the Core Developers Track for technical training and the Founders Track for aspiring entrepreneurs in the Polkadot ecosystem.
  2. Polkadot Study – Learn how to navigate the polkadot ecosystem as a developer with step-by-step tutorials. All Polkadot.study tutorials are written by developers from the polkadot community.
  3. Dot Code School – Dot Code School is an interactive online school that teaches you how to build meaningful web3 applications using the Polkadot SDK. Learn how to build your own custom blockchain from zero to one hundred.
  4. Awesome Substrate – A curated list of Substrate projects, community maintained libraries and tools.
  5. Polkadot Wiki – The Polkadot Wiki serves as the central source of truth for Polkadot.
  6. Polkadot Wiki (github)
  7. Polkadot Support– Answers to frequently about Polkadot questions and an AI assistant.
  8. Kusama Docs – Wiki abou Kusama, the canary network for Polkadot.
  9. Web3 Foundation Papers & Publications – Research papers and posts related to the Polkadot technology.
  10. Blockchain Fundamentals by Bill LaboonBeinning with the fundamentals – What is a blockchain? How is it stored? What are the different algorithms and protocols that are used in a blockchain?  It goes from absolute zero knowledge of blockchain or cryptography all the way to showing how to produce actual products on blockchain.
  11. Substrate Docs– Conceptual, procedural, and reference information for blockchain builders and parachain project teams.
  12. Substrate Tutorials – Learn Substrate by doing.
  13. Substrate How-To GuidesQuick reference guides provide instructions for achieving specific goals with Substrate and Rust.
  14. The Rust Programming Language – an introductory book about Rust programming language.
  15. Web3 Foundation – Education
  16. Ink! Docs – ink! is a programming language for smart contracts. You can use it with blockchains built on Substrate.
  17. Polkadot SDK (github)– The Polkadot SDK repository provides all the resources needed to start building on the Polkadot network, a multi-chain blockchain platform that enables different blockchains to interoperate and share information in a secure and scalable way.
  18. Cumulus (github) – A set of tools for writing parachains.
  19. Polkadot Fellowship: RFCs (github) – The Polkadot Fellowship is a rules-based ranked-membership organisation administered and empowered through blockchain logic hosted on the Polkadot Network.
  20. Substrate and Polkadot (stackexchange)
  21. Polkadot Forum– A place for thoughtful discussions surrounding Polkadot and Kusama.
  22. Substrate (reddit)
  23. Parity Tech (YT Videos)
  24. Polkadot Live Tutorials & AMA (YT)
  25. Polkadot Deep Dives (YT)– Each week Parity’s Delivery Service Team dive deep into all things FRAME, XCM and Polkadot governance
  26. Polkadot.js Docs– Interact with Substrate nodes in Javascript.
  27. Guide to Polkadot.js – A comprehensive collection of step-by-step instructions for Polkadot-JS Apps and Extension
  28. Polkadot Builders Guides – Builder’s section of the Polkadot Wiki where discover development tools and resources.
  29. Scale – A lightweight format which allows encoding suitable for resource-constrained execution environments like blockchain runtimes. [Rust]
  30. Subxt (github)  – Submit extrinsics to a node via RPC in Rust. [Rust]
  31. Telemetry (github) – A project combining Rust and TypeScript designed for gathering and displaying telemetry data collected from nodes. [Rust] 
  32. Zombienet (github)– A testing framework for Substrate-based chains, to spawn and test ephemeral networks. [Typescrypt]
  33. Substrate-api-sidecar (github)– A REST service that makes it easy to interact with blockchain nodes built using FRAME. [Typescrypt]
  34. Substrate-connect (github) – A JS library and browser extension to run an in-browser light client for your application. [Typescrypt]
  35. Technical resources compilation by OneBlock+ (Nov 2023)
  36. Frontier – Polkadot-EVM (github) – An Ethereum compatibility layer for Substrate chains.
  37. Substrate Node Template –  A bare-bone Substrate node to build on.
  38. Substrate Front-end Template – A React app template for building front-ends for Substrate nodes.
  39. Parachain Node Template –  A Cumulus-based Substrate node to build a parachain.
  40. Polkadot Alpha Program – The Polkadot Alpha Program is for teams who have a project they want to take it into production and business execution.
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