
Polkadot Testnets

Explore Polkadot testnets: Westend, Paseo, Rococo, and Contracts. Essential environments for developing and testing blockchain applications.

Polkadot Testnets: A Comprehensive Guide

Polkadot, a revolutionary blockchain platform, offers a sophisticated ecosystem designed to enable cross-chain transfers of any type of data or asset. While the Polkadot mainnet serves as the central hub, several test networks provide essential environments for developers to innovate, experiment, and refine their decentralized applications (dApps). This article delves into these development networks, exploring their unique roles and functionalities within the Polkadot ecosystem.

Development Networks: An Overview

Polkadot’s development networks are instrumental in testing and deploying new features and applications. These networks offer a controlled setting where developers can simulate real-world scenarios without risking mainnet stability. The primary development networks include:

  1. Westend
  2. Paseo
  3. Rococo
  4. Contracts

Each of these testnets serves a specific purpose, contributing to the robustness and versatility of the Polkadot ecosystem.

Westend: Polkadot’s Official Testnet

Westend functions as Polkadot’s official testnet, mirroring the functionality of the current Polkadot mainnet. It allows for next-generation feature testing, which, upon successful validation, migrate to the mainnet. Notably, Westend operates as a perma-testnet, meaning it does not reset back to the genesis block, thereby maintaining continuity in testing environments. This stability makes it an ideal platform for developers to rigorously test their applications and updates.

Paseo: Community-Driven Testnet

Paseo is a community-run testnet that closely replicates the Polkadot runtime. Unlike Westend, Paseo is maintained by the community, fostering a decentralized and collaborative development atmosphere. This testnet provides developers with a flexible and open environment to test new ideas and functionalities, contributing to the broader Polkadot ecosystem.

Rococo: Parachains and XCM Testing Ground

Rococo is specifically designed for testing parachains and Cross-Consensus Messaging (XCM). As a dynamic testnet, Rococo is occasionally reset, starting over with a new genesis block. This periodic resetting allows for comprehensive testing of parachain functionalities and interoperability through XCM, ensuring these features are robust and reliable before deployment on the mainnet.

⚠️  In June 2024, it was announced that Rococo, the long-standing parachain and XCM testnet for Polkadot, would be deprecated. With the launch of the new community testnet, Paseo, and the existing Westend testnet, Rococo’s role will be phased out in a structured manner, culminating in its closure by October 2024.

Contracts: Smart Contract Development on Rococo

The Contracts testnet is a Wasm-based smart contract enabled parachain on Rococo, primarily focusing on ink! development. Ink! is a Rust-based eDSL (embedded Domain Specific Language) for writing smart contracts on the Polkadot ecosystem. This testnet provides a specialized environment for developers to build and test smart contracts, ensuring compatibility and performance within the Polkadot framework.

Polkadot Tooling and Developer Resources

Polkadot offers a range of tools to facilitate development and interaction with its network. The most prominent tool is PolkadotJS, a comprehensive suite that includes a web app and a Javascript API. PolkadotJS allows developers to interact with various parachains, nodes, and their RPCs, providing a seamless development experience. More information on PolkadotJS and other programmatic interaction methods can be found on the Node Interactions page.

Polkadot Testnet Faucets: Access to Test Tokens

To support development on these testnets, Polkadot provides faucets that dispense testnet tokens. These tokens are essential for developers to simulate transactions and test their applications thoroughly. Most testnets offer a web-based interface or a Matrix room where developers can request test tokens using commands like !drip <ADDRESS>. For detailed information on available faucets and how to obtain testnet tokens, developers can refer to the provided resources.


Polkadot’s comprehensive suite of testnets plays a crucial role in fostering innovation and ensuring the stability of its mainnet. By providing dedicated environments for different development contexts, Polkadot enables developers to create, test, and deploy cutting-edge decentralized applications with confidence. Whether it’s through Westend’s stable testing ground, Paseo’s community-driven initiatives, Rococo’s parachain testing, or the Contracts testnet’s smart contract development, the Polkadot ecosystem continues to support and enhance the blockchain development experience.

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