How to Use Paseo Network: New Polkadot Testnet

Learn how to use Paseo Network, Polkadot’s testnet, for safe blockchain experimentation and development with test tokens.

In the blockchain industry testnets play an essential role in the development and testing of decentralized applications (dApps) and protocols. They offer a safe environment where developers and users can experiment with new features without the risk of losing real assets. Within the Polkadot ecosystem, the Paseo Network serves as a critical testnet, providing a mirror of the Polkadot mainnet’s functionalities with test tokens that hold no real-world value. This guide will delve into how to effectively use the Paseo Network, exploring its features, benefits, and the various ways users can engage with this vital testing environment.

Understanding Testnets in Blockchain

Testnets, or test networks, are versions of a blockchain network that allow developers to deploy and test their applications without any financial risks. Unlike the mainnet, where transactions involve real cryptocurrency, testnets use tokens that are not exchangeable for actual money. This environment is ideal for developers to identify bugs, test updates, and simulate various network conditions.

In the context of Polkadot, a testnet like Paseo replicates the functionalities of the Polkadot mainnet (Relay Chain), enabling users to engage with the ecosystem as they would on the mainnet, but with test tokens. This ensures that both new and experienced users can familiarize themselves with the network’s operations without the fear of losing real DOT tokens.

What is Paseo Network?

Paseo Network is a dedicated testnet within the Polkadot ecosystem, designed to replace previous testnets like Rococo. It is a decentralized test environment that mirrors the Polkadot Relay Chain’s functionality, offering users and developers a platform to test and experiment with new features, dApps, and parachains before deploying them on the mainnet. The test tokens used in Paseo are known as PASS tokens, which mimic the behavior of DOT tokens but have no real-world value.

Paseo Network supports various use cases, from basic transaction testing to more complex operations like governance referenda, staking, and cross-chain transfers. The testnet is incentivized by the Polkadot treasury and maintained by community developers, making it a community-driven project that aligns with the broader Polkadot decentralization strategy.

Why Use Paseo Network?

Paseo Network is an invaluable tool for several key stakeholders within the Polkadot ecosystem:

  1. Developers: Developers can use Paseo to test new protocols, dApps, and features before deploying them on the Polkadot mainnet. This helps ensure that applications are robust and free of critical bugs that could result in significant losses on the mainnet.
  2. Users: For users new to Polkadot or blockchain technology in general, Paseo offers a risk-free environment to learn how to interact with the Polkadot ecosystem. Users can practice sending transactions, participating in governance, and staking without the fear of losing real assets.
  3. Governance Participants: Paseo enables users to simulate governance activities, such as voting on referenda or submitting proposals. This helps participants understand the intricacies of Polkadot’s on-chain governance system without any financial risk.
  4. Experimentation: The testnet provides a playground for experimenting with new concepts, such as cross-chain communication between parachains or innovative staking mechanisms, without affecting the stability of the mainnet.

Getting Started with Paseo Network

To start using the Paseo Network, follow these steps:

1. Set Up a Compatible Wallet

First, you need to set up a wallet that is compatible with the Polkadot ecosystem. Talisman, a user-friendly wallet with a robust interface, is highly recommended for this purpose. Talisman Wallet supports both Polkadot mainnet and testnet environments.

  • Download and Install Talisman: Visit the Talisman website and follow the instructions to download and install the wallet extension.
  • Create a New Wallet: If you’re new to Polkadot, create a new wallet within Talisman. Be sure to securely store your seed phrase, as this is crucial for recovering your wallet.
  • Enable Testnets: In Talisman, navigate to the settings menu, and under the “Networks & Tokens” section, enable testnets. This will allow you to interact with testnet environments like Paseo.

2. Obtain Test Tokens (PASS)

To interact with the Paseo Network, you’ll need PASS tokens. These tokens can be obtained for free from the Paseo Network faucet.

  • Visit the Paseo Faucet: Access the Paseo faucet and connect your wallet.
  • Request Tokens: Paste your wallet address into the faucet and complete the CAPTCHA to verify your request. The faucet will send a specified amount of PASS tokens to your wallet, typically within a few minutes.
  • Check Your Wallet: After requesting tokens, check your Talisman wallet to ensure the tokens have been received.

3. Accessing Paseo Network

With your wallet set up and tokens in hand, you’re ready to interact with the Paseo Network.

  • Visit Polkadot.js: Navigate to the Polkadot.js portal, a widely-used interface for interacting with Polkadot and its testnets.
  • Switch to Paseo Network: In the top left corner of the Polkadot.js interface, select the network dropdown menu, and choose “Paseo Testnet” from the list. This will switch your connection to the Paseo Network.
  • Update Metadata: When connecting to a new network, you may be prompted to update the metadata. Approve this update to ensure your wallet can interact properly with Paseo.

4. Exploring Paseo’s Features

Once connected to Paseo, you can explore a wide range of features that mirror those available on the Polkadot mainnet.

Governance Participation

Paseo allows users to simulate participation in Polkadot’s on-chain governance.

  • Referenda: Users can vote on active referenda using their PASS tokens, practicing how to navigate Polkadot’s decision-making processes.
  • Proposals: You can submit governance proposals, allowing you to experience the proposal submission process without risking real DOT tokens.
  • Preimages: For more advanced users, preimages can be submitted and linked to proposals, adding another layer of engagement with governance on Paseo.

Staking and Pools

Staking on Paseo is an excellent way to learn about Polkadot’s staking mechanisms.

  • Nomination Pools: Paseo supports the creation of nomination pools, where users can pool their PASS tokens to collectively stake and nominate validators. This is an excellent way for users to understand the staking process without financial risk.
  • Validator Nominations: You can nominate validators using your PASS tokens, testing out different staking strategies and learning how validator selection impacts rewards.

Cross-Chain Transfers (Teleport)

Paseo also supports cross-chain transfers, known as teleportation within the Polkadot ecosystem.

  • Teleport Tokens: Users can teleport PASS tokens between different parachains within the Paseo Network, such as from the main Paseo chain to the Asephop parachain. This feature helps users understand cross-chain interactions, a core component of Polkadot’s interoperability.
  • Monitor Transfers: Once you’ve initiated a teleport, you can monitor the transfer’s status and confirm the successful receipt of tokens on the destination parachain.

Developers’ Tools

For developers, Paseo offers a suite of tools to test and debug applications.

  • RPC Calls: Developers can make runtime and RPC (Remote Procedure Call) queries within the Paseo Network, helping them test how their applications interact with the blockchain.
  • Extrinsics: Test submitting extrinsics (transactions) using various parameters and see how they are processed on the network.
  • Identity Management: Developers can test the creation and management of identities on Paseo, simulating how users will manage their digital identities on the mainnet.

Benefits of Using Paseo Network

Using the Paseo Network offers several key benefits:

  1. Risk-Free Learning: For new users, Paseo provides a safe environment to learn the intricacies of the Polkadot ecosystem without risking real assets.
  2. Testing Grounds for Developers: Developers can test new features, dApps, and parachains in a live environment that closely mimics the Polkadot mainnet.
  3. Community-Driven: As a decentralized testnet, Paseo is supported by the Polkadot community, reflecting the broader ethos of decentralization that Polkadot champions.
  4. Preparation for Mainnet: By using Paseo, users and developers can confidently transition to the Polkadot mainnet, having already practiced and refined their interactions on the testnet.


Paseo Network stands as a crucial component of the Polkadot ecosystem, offering a robust and decentralized testnet environment where users and developers can safely explore, experiment, and innovate. Whether you’re a developer testing a new dApp or a user learning how to interact with the Polkadot network, Paseo provides the tools and environment needed to build confidence and ensure success on the Polkadot mainnet.

By familiarizing yourself with Paseo’s features and capabilities, you can contribute to the growth and resilience of the Polkadot ecosystem, helping to drive forward the vision of a decentralized and interoperable future. Whether you are staking tokens, participating in governance, or experimenting with cross-chain transfers, Paseo is the ideal platform to hone your skills and prepare for the Polkadot mainnet.

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